Our Blog

Future Considerations Blog

We support our clients and their stakeholders to press pause, reconsider the future they want and help build the awareness and capacity to get there. Everything we do or say is an invitation to reconsider the present and to consider new futures.


Sustainable Development Goals – what can Gen Y & Z do?

17 Sustainable Development Goals were ratified by 193 countries last December. 17 Goals that have the ability to change our world. 17 […]

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Our journey with Holacracy

In April this year, Future Considerations moved to Holacracy as our organisational operating system. I wanted to share some initial […]

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What Brexit tells us about Politics, Systemic Complexity and Leadership?

The days of national economies are basically gone. It’s debatable how controllable they ever were. We live in a world […]

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Map of meaning holistic organisational development

What is the Map of Meaning? A simple antidote to organisational change fatigue.

Fact. In an increasingly volatile and uncertain world, organisations need to be adaptable, resilient and have people empowered by change.  […]

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Organisational restructures are a waste of time

“How can we successfully implement organisational restructures to meet 21st century needs?” It appears this is the question predominant for […]

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teal organisations next stage organisations

Why should anyone care about “Teal”?

Austin Reed. BHS. The world changes. Companies that don’t change slump and die. What’s special about the changes of today? […]

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Four practices for developing authentic leadership

There’s crisis of leadership in many modern organisations:  Who are they serving? What is their essence? How should they operate? […]

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future considerations team adopts Holacracy

Future Considerations adopts Holacracy

Fresh from a 2 day training workshop with the lovely Nick & Sally from Evolving Organisations, we’re delighted to announce […]

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reinventing leadership development programmes

Reinventing Leadership Development

  Gallup research shows that, worldwide, only 13% of employees are engaged in their jobs. The statistic is shocking and means more […]

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happy birthday

Future Considerations turns 15

I am writing this on Future Considerations’ 15th birthday (February 2015). It’s quite a milestone for any organisation – and […]

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Georgian song & leadership: More related than we think.

For those familiar with the work of Barry Oshry, the North American systems theorist who has dedicated his life to […]

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Conscious Business Collaboration

It’s heart-warming to acknowledge that conscious business offshoots are alive, well and flourishing in the UK. In the last 10 […]

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