
An Experience of ‘How to Sharpen the Sword’

What does it take to improve on something that has been dubbed ‘wonderful’, ‘great’ and amazing’? How can a consulting […]

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Catalysing an evolutionary shift

To create the conditions in which people change systems that are causing environmental damage and/or social inequity (or indeed, generate […]

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How is your organisation designed to get undesirable results from your staff?

I recently had a fascinating experience in a Moscow hotel room. No – not what you might be thinking. On […]

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Are we doing the work that is needed or the work that is comfortable?

“Taking a new step or uttering a new word is what people fear most.” Dostoyevsky I notice how quite frequently […]

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What do you think they think of you? The stories that derail us

Some years ago, I was called (at less than 24 hours notice) to facilitate a meeting at short notice between […]

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Here be dragons: Leading in complex times

Think about a big challenge you are addressing: a current situation that matters, where you know something qualitatively different is […]

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Freedom-centred: the future of leadership

In many of our organisations, the majority of people feel they are working under some sense of oppression – or […]

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Leading through birth and death: the future of leadership

Energy can neither be created nor destroyed. It is the flow of energy that breathes life into our passions, our […]

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Seek first to remember what has been forgotten (or ignored): the future of leadership

When confronted with taking the next step forward, why is it that the last place that we look for guidance […]

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None of us is as smart as all of us: the future of leadership

Traditionally, intelligence is thought of residing in one, unique source – our mind. It is a space that has been […]

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Cross generational wisdom: the future of leadership

In organisations around the globe the mantra “age is no barrier” continues to hold true.  Perhaps one of the keys […]

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An introduction: the future of leadership

The New Year is when we look to the future – not just to the year ahead, but often to […]

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