Partnering Assessment


Thank you for your interest in the Future Consideration’s Partnering Assessments.


For over a decade we have been helping clients with, and researching what makes effective partnering and have developed a Business Partnering model for individuals and an Organisational Partnering Maturity model. We are offering you complimentary access to have a taster of both of these.

We believe effective partnering is an untapped super-power that can deliver value and drive significant change in any business. While Business Partnering has historically been associated with certain functions like HR and Finance, our experience is that there are common roles and mindsets not just for all functions, but for anyone that finds themselves in a partnering situation.

Business Partnering (for individuals)

From our experience and research we have created a Business Partnering Model with the key characteristics which are fundamental to four principle ‘roles’ of a Business Partner, which are universal across all sectors. We have found that to be truly effective as a business partner you need to know which aspects of the ‘four roles’ are most important to you as well ensuring you have sufficient capacity across all four roles.

Organisational Partnering Maturity

Our research has identified four stages of Organisational Partnering Maturity. This short questionnaire is designed to help you identify your level of organisational maturity and give you insight as to the key characteristics and challenges associated with that maturity. It also enables you to think about what might be needed for you to transition to the level needed where there is a delta.

Why take the Business Partnering (for individuals) assessment?

To give you a taste of the insight our detailed Business Partnering Assessment can give you, we invite you to complete a short questionnaire which will provide you with immediate feedback on the role you are the strongest in, and provide you with some key characteristics of when you are playing that role well. You will also receive insight as to your main development area and some tips as to actions you can take to be more effective in that role.

Why take the Organisational Partnering Maturity assessment?

If you are experiencing any of the challenges listed below, this questionnaire will act as an excellent starting point for a more strategic conversation, either with us or key stakeholders in your organisation.
• Internal functions are in conflict with the business or at best tolerating each other.
• Subject-matter expertise isn’t being harnessed to its maximum to deliver business results.
• The implementation of the matrix organisation has resulted in decreased performance and increased complexity rather than simplifying things as envisioned.
• There are wide disparities of performance between the same function in different parts of the business or between different functions in the same area of the business.
• New innovations within functions are not being implemented at the required speed.
Business areas are complaining that the functions are operating to their own narrow agendas and not “understanding” the business.

What will I receive?

Once completed you will receive an email with both visual and written feedback as described above. This is a taster of the full assessments that we use in client work.

What if I want more information?

We’d love to hear from you. You can contact us by email at

What if I don’t agree with the results?

This is a short taster assessment with only a few questions so the outputs are unlikely they are as accurate as a full assessment. For the Organisational Partnering Maturity there will be elements to your work that mean you are more mature in some areas and less in others and what we show you a single ‘averaged’ maturity. This is not intended to limit your thinking but provoke discovery and discussion about where you might want to be, and how you will go about getting there.

“Our partnership with Future Considerations has been instrumental in designing interventions which holistically address the cultural change journey required and this has enabled us to make progress over recent years.” 

Future Considerations Client

“I feel closer to the business, I’m looking at the big picture and have a better understanding of the roles of a Business Partner“

Business partnering programme participant

“A key success factor is Future Considerations recognising that this requires both a deep personal change journey as well as organisational system interventions”

– Future Considerations Client
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