Activism or Service: What kind of leadership does our world need right now?
Given our global reality is one of increasing economic disparity, the rise of populism, creeping nationalism and protectionism, the threat of nuclear war – we could go on… Celine McKeown, reflects on what type of leadership the world really needs right now: Activism or Service, referencing the latest work by renowned author, Meg Wheatley.

Getting Future Fit: Do we have what it takes?
Avoidance, confusion, anger, blame, and fear – these are all negative reactions to the current reality that our world faces. At the same time within the business world, there seems to be an unspoken expectation that people should be able to step up and surprise when they can’t. Jules Fell invites you to explore Meg Wheatley’s idea of “Warriors of the Human Spirit” as a response to these external conditions and how we should equip ourselves as leaders of today and tomorrow to respond creatively, purposefully, and constructively.