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Future Considerations Blog

We support our clients and their stakeholders to press pause, reconsider the future they want and help build the awareness and capacity to get there. Everything we do or say is an invitation to reconsider the present and to consider new futures.

How can core purpose influence leadership in sustainability?

…Global Compact – Joining Forces: Collaboration and Leadership in Sustainability shows that a growing number of companies are turning to collaborations — with suppliers, NGOs, industry alliances, governments, even competitors…

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Democracy at work: Culture 2.0?

…only apply to small business. HCL Technologies, a practicing freedom-centric company headquartered in Noida, India, have been completely transparent with employees about the context of the company throughout the financial…

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Result A

…to effect this wider network may also be challenging, and the organaisations may revert to a mindset of being in competition with each other. Thank you for completing the Partner…

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In which direction is the pen moving?

…Sweeney and Dennis Meadows) highlights the need to consider systems, like our organizations, from multiple points of view, especially if we want to identify new leverage points for their transformation….

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…a business partner as a model of competencies and mindsets that enable Business Partners to fulfill their role as shapers and drivers of the future. POLICY ADVISOR Build Commitment rather…

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Sustainable Development Goals – what can Gen Y & Z do?

…sessions covering a compelling range of topics, this conference represents an invaluable addition to the development of a true multi-stakeholder, coordinated approach to delivering our domestic responsibilities on the new

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Where will the leadership come from?

…economic competition. At this time of increased political competition between our countries, and their political leaders, perhaps now is the moment for business leaders to step up together, putting some…

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British Council Managing for Success

…Council leaders wanted. Challenge We completed key capabilities work begun by British Council and identified skills required as a middle manager, by conducting focus groups and interviews. We compiled a…

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Unleashing Human Potential

…layers and levels of complexity within the system combining a change in process with a potential shift in the collective consciousness of those who make up the system or ‘soft-wiring’….

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Leading from the Middle

…the Middle who picks up everyone else’s problems and challenges and attempts to sort their problems. The relief and sense of new freedom was tangible. These Eureka moments don’t happen…

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Seek first to remember what has been forgotten (or ignored): the future of leadership

…Tank, rather than absorbing what core truths that have always been true and freely available. Fact: nothing at all is new. History, legend, religion, fables, stories – these teach us…

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