Philips Business Partnering

Since 2014, Future Considerations has worked in collaboration with Philips University to accompany Business Partners across the world in their skill development journey. The program uses a model originally developed by interviewing business leaders and business partners across Philips, in 2020 the model was updated by another series of interviews to keep it relevant to current times.

Philips is at a crucial stage in its transformation. The journey is accelerating, and there is a need to ensure the maximizing of collaboration within the business. The role of Business Partner and the deep partnering skills necessary to perform that well, are key in making this a reality.

Philips Business Partnering Foundations Program

This programme is for:

This program provides the ‘fundamentals’ of business partnering for people who are new to Business partnering roles. Intention would be for these business partners to attend this program within the first year of them taking on their role. Employees in a business partner role or in roles interfacing with the business, in one of the enabling functions (who hold a relationship with the business (BG or BU), market, or function on behalf of their domain. This program is aimed at all job grades new to the partnering role. This program provides the ‘fundamentals’ of business partnering for people who are new to Business partnering roles. The intention would be for these business partners to attend this program within the first year of them taking on their role.

At the end of this program the learner will have:

  • Understood the 4 Business Partnering roles and applied them intentionally and effectively in a variety of business situations
  • Developed and maintained a network of trusted relationships key to your success as a business partner
  • Understood the business drivers and used these as leverage to influence the business positively
  • Felt more equipped and courageous to influence the business agenda
  • Practiced and implemented new ways of working in the business.


Philips Business Partnering Advanced Program

Experienced business partners need to influence and partner across high impact, complex business initiatives. This program will give participants an opportunity to bring their real-world challenges into a learning laboratory.  Working closely with Philips colleagues, they will  increase their effectiveness in  leading in the middle, partnering and business collaboration in complex changing situations. This programme is for experienced business partners working in complex systems or for those participating in and/or leading a high impact, complex business initiatives.

By the end of this program the learner will have:

  • Understood better how to operate in social systems,
  • Assessed how they influence their stakeholders
  • Built a robust network,
  • Developed their personal presence and impact,
  • Sharpened ability to partner and collaborate across complex boundaries a
  • Increased their skill in defining executing and enabling experiments in complex transformations.

Both programs are virtual and involve a journey of 3-4 months with a mix of online group sessions, small groups, individual assignments and microlearning support.

To contact Philips University about this program for yourself or to get information to recommend it to others, please contact:

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