Supercharge Your Success with Whole-Body Business Partnering

Imagine if you could tap into the full power of your mind, body, and spirit to create an unstoppable collaboration force at work! Sounds like a dream, right? Well, the secret sauce is business partnering – a super skill that we at Future Considerations are passionate about, and for good reason!

So, what exactly is business partnering? It’s all about the timely deployment of your functions’ skills and expertise in service to the priorities of the business by building rock-solid relationships between teams, departments, and people across your organisation. Think of it as the ultimate collaboration booster that breaks down silos, increases creativity, and helps everyone work together where the whole is greater than the sum of its parts.

Our research has shown that there are some core skills needed for effective business partnering, no matter which department or function you’re in. So, whether you’re in marketing, finance, HR,… the principles remain the same – clear communication, listening and empathy, adaptability, and strategic thinking.

But here’s where we take things up a notch! At Future Considerations, we don’t just focus on the cognitive side of things. We believe in harnessing the full power of our body and intuition, too. When you have an important contribution to make, how do you maintain independence of thought and action under pressure and choose the most effective way to relate to others and move forward aligned with key business and functional priorities? By integrating embodiment practices, we create a holistic approach that not only helps us become better collaborators but also more balanced, mindful, and fulfilled individuals.

Now, you might be thinking, “But I’m not a traditional business partner – is this really relevant for me?” The answer is a resounding YES! Business partnering skills are crucial for anyone who finds themselves in a partnering situation – whether you’re working with colleagues, clients, or external partners. These skills are the foundation for creating thriving relationships and achieving success, no matter the context.

  1. So, how do you master the art of business partnering? Here’s our tried-and-true formula:
    Embrace the Whole You: Combine cognitive capacity with embodiment practices to bring your best self to every collaboration.
  2. Break Free from Your Comfort Zone: Seek cross-functional projects and work with people from different backgrounds to broaden your perspective and build empathy.
  3. Sharpen Your Communication Skills: Boost your ability to have important conversations, effectively solve problems, and increase your leadership choices.
  4. Know Your Role: Understand your part in fostering collaboration and how you contribute to your organisation’s success so you can effectively prioritise work and influence others.
  5. Celebrate Your Wins: Recognise and reward successful business partnering efforts to amplify the culture of collaboration.

In a nutshell, business partnering is a game-changing skill that can transform the way you collaborate and achieve success at work. By embracing the whole-body approach and investing in your core skills, you’ll become an unstoppable partnering force – and have a blast doing it! So go ahead, give it a try, and watch your partnerships thrive!

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