Our Blog

Future Considerations Blog

We support our clients and their stakeholders to press pause, reconsider the future they want and help build the awareness and capacity to get there. Everything we do or say is an invitation to reconsider the present and to consider new futures.

Hope and Hopelessness: centre your life in the practice of Active Hope

Faced with strong, overwhelming feelings of hopelessness I’ve been asking myself how do we sustain ourselves in dark times? Last […]

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The win-win-win of experiential leadership programmes

In any business, understanding your return on any particular investment is paramount if you are to assess it’s effectiveness to […]

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In which direction is the pen moving?

Grab a pen. Hold it straight up in the air and start “drawing” a circle on the ceiling, in a […]

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Creating a thinking environment, for the sake of our natural environment

In August 2012, I returned from running a side event at the Rio+20 with Mark Young , and am still […]

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Talent management for the common good

In the public interest early organizations were often created to benefit the city or country concerned. The structure and management […]

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Creating the 25 hour work day

The alarm goes off. You hit snooze and sleep for a precious extra 10 minutes. It goes off again… *BEEP […]

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Making Sense of Complexity: the Personal and the Systemic

Many of us yearn for simple principles to guide our work and life in a complex world. At the heart […]

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Innovating culture

One theory of culture is that the organisation’s core business, or dominant technology, often gives rise to a pervasive culture. […]

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The first step to leading innovation

Let’s just take a moment to reconsider the meaning of innovation. Suppose we took innovation in business to mean profound, […]

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We are all made of stardust

Recently a coaching client of mine was reading from a notice calling them to a novel meeting. One sentence resonated […]

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Democracy at work: Culture 2.0?

It is no secret that during the current economic climate, many employees have lost trust in management. Often the squeeze […]

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Are you due for a cultural detox?

Recently, I have been working with a leadership team who have been together for over 5 years. They were a […]

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