You cannot manage complexity
This article assumes some depth of background knowledge of Spiral Dynamics. There is a very comprehensive 1-hour video introduction to […]

Why does change happen? Fundamentals of development
Stupid question maybe? Because change just does? Does it even matter why? OK, I will ask another way. The fundamental […]

What is an Organisation really?
‘To organise’ is a verb, from which we have created a noun, ‘organisation’ but what is an organisation really? It’s […]

What’s next for YOUR organisation?
Do you have the sense that something in your organisation needs to change, but you don’t know what? Are you […]

Don’t be naïve about the shift to teal
Frederic Laloux’s book “Reinventing Organisations”” is inspiring. The new illustrated version puts across the key concepts with even greater simplicity. […]

When Teal meets B Corps: a match made for transformation?
What happens when you bring together leaders involved in two of the most transformational movements in business and organisations? On […]

Reinventing Leadership Development
Gallup research shows that, worldwide, only 13% of employees are engaged in their jobs. The statistic is shocking and means more […]

So what’s this “Teal” organisations thing?
There has been some major buzz generating about “Teal” organisations. It started with Frederic Laloux’s book Reinventing Organizations and has been […]

Is Barry Oshry’s Systems Thinking Still Relevant at the Teal level?
A significant number of leaders we meet are interested in a new way of organising: one that is centred on […]
Could Teal be the new Green?
It is old news: the planet is in crisis. The signs and warnings can be ignored, but the consequences are […]

What does Wholeness mean in the context of Teal Organising?
Here at Future Considerations, we are engaged in an inspiring and challenging exploration of how to practically apply the insights […]

Reinventing Organisations – where talent blooms and our callings are honoured
Frederic Laloux’s highly acclaimed management book Reinventing Organizations explains how every time humanity has shifted to a new stage of […]