James McCaul
“Passionate about biology and conservation, I spent the first 2 decades of my career working for not-for-profit organizations working to understand the complexity of wildlife conservation and livelihood security for natural resource dependent communities. I soon realized that collaboration between communities, government, not-for-profits and business was essential to achieve lasting impact. Over the last 10 years I have focused on facilitating the co-creation of partnerships and solutions with these actors using facilitation, conflict resolution and coaching to empower people to see past their silos and work together for people, planet and profit.”
James is a professional trainer, facilitator and presenter who supports international businesses and not-for-profit organizations developing new, innovative strategies to improve the services they provide their clients. He designs and delivers tailor-made, outcome-oriented training programs on multi-cultural teambuilding, change management, creativity and innovation and leadership. He facilitates design workshops on high impact programs and projects, building collaborative strategies between business, not-for-profits and government to deliver on social and environmental change. He trains and facilitates in both Indonesian and English.
Specialties & Passions
- Design and facilitating experiential learning programs on leadership, personal development, multiculture teams and systems thinking.
- Collaborative strategic planning using visioning, back casting and appreciative enquiry methods.
- Designing sustainable, environmentally and socially responsible business strategies to support low-carbon development and climate change mitigation.
- Designing and delivering wellness and organizational health programs.
- I love being outdoors either hiking, mountain biking or kitesurfing.
Work Experience
- Country Advisor for the David and Lucile Packard Foundation on organizational effectiveness and their Civil Society and Leadership Initiative for the last 4 years.
- Consultant on leadership and board level executives on individual and team performance and multiculturalism.
- Banks; JP Morgan, Bank of America, Bank Mandiri, Muziho Bank, Standard Chartered Bank, DBS, Bank of America, Meryl Lynch, Permata Bank.
- Oil and Gas: Pertamina, PertaGas, Shell, Cameron International.
- Other sectors: PZ Cussons, Bain International, Temasek Holdings, Transcom, Daimler FS India, St. Gobain, McKinsey Indonesia.
- Development agencies: Australian Department Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT), World Bank; International Finance Corporation, Oxfam International, Rainforest Alliance, GIZ Indonesia, UKAID, Millenium Challenge Account Indonesia, European Union, USAID, JICA
- 20 years of experience leading multicultural, multidisciplinary teams, change processes and development projects in Europe, Africa, and Asia.
- BSc, Zoology 2.1 (Queen’s University Belfast)
- Post Graduate Certificate in Education in Science and Biology (Queen’s University Belfast)
- Certified facilitator for Systems mapping and Embodied Constellations.
- Certificates in coaching, conflict resolution, and facilitation.