Online Oshry workshop: Empowering the Whole System
Discover the power of an Oshry Workshop in 2 hours
See how context shapes behaviour. Lead with systems insight.
Empowering the Whole System is a facilitated online workshop which uses a short experiential simulation to briefly immerse people in three leadership contexts that we encounter every day. Walk away with empowering insights and actions that can change how you lead in every context of your life and work.
Do you think the big challenges in your work are primarily personal and interpersonal?
Barry Oshry’s work makes a bold claim. Many of the problems we believe to be personal or interpersonal – “I’m not being effective in my role”, “If only I had a better boss, things would be OK”, “We’re not a good team“ – are not primarily personal problems. The workshop illuminates the real issue – how our blindness to context kills trust, increases blame and corrodes potentially supportive and productive relationships.
Thinking of organisations as systems may seem a bit intangible at first glance. Yet, distributed leadership is a simple and powerful idea – organisations are interconnected and each part of the organisation has unique power to contribute to the survival and vitality of the system. Oshry’s work offers you a way to see yourself, your colleagues and your organisation differently and with that new insight comes more effective actions to empower you and your organisation.
What can you expect?
- To be immersed into three leadership contexts that that you encounter every day,
- Immediately applicable and empowering actions that you can take,
- An engaging and thought-provoking workshop, and
- Experiential work and dialogue with some of the world’s leading practitioners of this approach.
By the end of the workshop you will take away:
- An understanding of the impact of context on leadership behaviours and actions,
- New insights into how to make distributed leadership a reality, and
- A sense of the breadth, depth and power of Barry Oshry’s work.
Workshop leaders

Ali Warner

John Watters
John Watters and Ali Warner have worked extensively with Barry Oshry’s thinking in the widest range of private sector companies, central and local government, public sector, social enterprises and charities across the world.
John has worked closely with Barry Oshry for 20 years, accredits trainers and consultants in all of Oshry’s frameworks and incorporates these principles in his consulting practice worldwide. Ali is an experienced Oshry practitioner and brings expertise in the art of hosting virtual workshops in productive and creative ways.
Participant feedback from the first online ‘Empowering The Whole System’ workshop:
“ Very apt and applicable to all types of organizations. And the learning is to find ways of improving clarity and communication to break the negative patterns”“The impact of the online activity – simple yet impactful”
“An interesting exercise with lots of insights to take away”
“Introduction of the core idea and research – clear, simple, thorough, friendly”
“ Interesting that it’s the same everywhere! Good to see a light at the end of the tunnel for changing how we work”.
“ We were 3 consultants from EU and US – and all saw these patterns in our client organizations”
“ That we all step in and out of these roles within our lives and there seems to be the possibility to empower ourselves in any moment by “seeing” our emergent responses and then asking what our “creative contributions” might be.
“Great event, got plenty of new ideas”