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Future Considerations Blog

We support our clients and their stakeholders to press pause, reconsider the future they want and help build the awareness and capacity to get there. Everything we do or say is an invitation to reconsider the present and to consider new futures.

Resilience In Uncertainty

…discussing the programme.   The event is set up to be Covid secure, for a small group, with your own private accommodation ranging from high quality ensuite rooms in…

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Celine McKeown

Interpreting the Quadruple Bottom Line

…the usual suspects (people, planet & profit). Sustainability Compass: Alan Atkisson’s Sustainability Compass works with four key indicators including Nature, Society, Economy and Well-being. Whilst some will strongly advocate the…

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The quality of attention in a virtual world: MOOC MITx U.Lab

…a unified or single intelligence. Each person still has their unique contribution, but these are highly aligned around a common purpose or goal. When groups function in this way it…

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How can core purpose influence leadership in sustainability?

…Global Compact – Joining Forces: Collaboration and Leadership in Sustainability shows that a growing number of companies are turning to collaborations — with suppliers, NGOs, industry alliances, governments, even competitors…

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Crisis in Leadership, Jon Freeman

A crisis in organisational leadership?

…motivation was important, that they might be more effective, or might simply leave if they found it elsewhere. The world became more complex and we needed technical experts who might…

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Organisational restructures are a waste of time

…are in VUCA times: increasing Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity and Ambiguity and without the context and understanding of psycho-social perspectives, the majority of organisational restructures will not succeed. According to Deloitte’s…

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teal organisations next stage organisations

Why should anyone care about “Teal”?

…environment darkened by industrial soot. The new understanding is of a big shift in genetic material that transposes a 21,000 element gene sequence. The world changes and adaptation is required….

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Growing the fruits of Shared Mindfulness

…To meet critical challenges, as groups, communities and organisations in our VUCA times of increasing Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity and Ambiguity, we must act from a higher level of individual and…

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becoming teal

What is an Organisation really?

…just its people – Ralph Stacey, a leading scholar on complexity and management, argues it is the complex set of social processes and relationships interconnecting them. Although this makes sense,…

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How we respond to long-term stress

Have you seen colleagues behave like this, perhaps when they didn’t previously:- Hunkering down into invisibility or taking short term risks Becoming hopeless and apathetic Entrenching old ways, behaving tribally…

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Exploring Personal Resilience

comment, and usually this is driven by your own feelings and assumptions. Leaders can react to high levels of ambiguity and complexity by freezing ,withdrawing or moving to blame. This…

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Mindful nation UK 2015 report

Mindful Nation UK Report

“Today is a turning point for the global view of the value of Mindfulness in our modern lives.” After a year of intensive research by a committed group of mindfulness…

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