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Future Considerations Blog

We support our clients and their stakeholders to press pause, reconsider the future they want and help build the awareness and capacity to get there. Everything we do or say is an invitation to reconsider the present and to consider new futures.

The Iceberg Model by Lycia Harper

Involved in transformation? People love the iceberg model!

…as their processes of communication and collaboration. A shift happened after a systems game when I used the iceberg model to help them make sense of their experiences and open

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Are you sleepwalking your way into professional prostitution?

…using mindfulness practices at work. Also, it is becoming more acceptable to openly say I can’t make that because (of a family event/ personal commitment/ holiday). And organisations are setting…

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Living Life on Purpose

…together. And I realised that much of it had been done semi-consciously and without clear intention. I came to realise that the focus of my life was that relationship and…

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…Phrases come and go – CSR, the triple bottom line, sustainability – but what remains vital is that companies step up to play their full role in society and ensure…

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Our Journey

environment in which those organisations operate. And help to influence the conversations at community, government and institution level. We believe our experience to date gives us the foundation for more….

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Georgian song & leadership: More related than we think.

…of an Oshry Organisational Workshop is an exercise where participants enter a fast- moving, turbulent environment as either a top executive, middle manager, worker or customer. The experience closely mirrors…

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Freedom-centred: the future of leadership

…a freedom centred approach, and not a fear based approach, to create environments where human beings thrive and organisations are places of fulfilment and not denial. If we so often…

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The Journey to Mastering Organisational Partnering

…a challenge for functions to fully understanding business strategy, especially in complex scenarios. This can result in a responsiveness gap, where functions struggle to adapt quickly enough to provide timely…

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Generation Y as Generation WHY

community through the product or service they contribute to. They see the workplace as an extension of themselves, a place that supports a meaningful lifestyle. Money is no longer the

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You cannot manage complexity, Jon Freeman

You cannot manage complexity

Map of the Complexity Sciences. For those who might want to read the content of the above Iimage, going beyond the visual-displayed message of “complexity breaking down,” here is the

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Purpose: The missing ingredient

…posting a comment below. The youngest member of the Future Considerations team, Peter manages the marketing and communications for the consultancy. Click here to find out more about Peter and…

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Leading Like Madiba: Nelson Mandela

…began the interview: ‘Tata [Father] Mandela, how do you feel about the fact that this Saturday the nation will be launching the CD on which your greatest speeches have been…

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