Our Blog

Future Considerations Blog

We support our clients and their stakeholders to press pause, reconsider the future they want and help build the awareness and capacity to get there. Everything we do or say is an invitation to reconsider the present and to consider new futures.

The Journey to Mastering Organisational Partnering

In today’s interconnected business landscape, the ability to forge strong and collaborative relationships both within and outside the organisation is […]

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Supercharge Your Success with Whole-Body Business Partnering

Imagine if you could tap into the full power of your mind, body, and spirit to create an unstoppable collaboration […]

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Context, Context, Context!

“An old proverb says: ‘We see people not as they are but as we are’. To which we add: ‘And […]

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Leading from the Middle

“Oh my God. I see how all my life I’ve been a Middle who tries to please others,” exclaimed a […]

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Resilience In Uncertainty

As summer turns to autumn in the UK, we face a return to school and workplaces and signs of normality […]

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Lockdown Conversations

Reflecting on what we have learnt about resilience during lockdown. Beth mAcdonald is based in the Philippines and still in […]

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Reconsider the Future

During lockdown we held some conversation sessions with our client and network community on “Reconsidering the Future”.People really valued the […]

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Creating Impactful Virtual Programs

What does it take to create impactful virtual programs? We have all become very familiar with on-line meetings in recent […]

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Black Lives Matter

The team at Future Considerations stands in solidarity with antiracist and racial justice organising across the US and the world. […]

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Where will the leadership come from?

As I read my social media streams, there are some who argue that this is a turning point and that […]

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Developing and sustaining our individual and collective ability to “bounce back” Resilience helps us navigate and thrive in difficult circumstances […]

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Are you exercising leadership or trying to retain control and power?

Looking at how the UK Government has “led” in the Covid-19 crisis got me reflecting. Are they exercising effective leadership […]

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