The Journey to Mastering Organisational Partnering
In today’s interconnected business landscape, the ability to forge strong and collaborative relationships both within and outside the organisation is […]

Supercharge Your Success with Whole-Body Business Partnering
Imagine if you could tap into the full power of your mind, body, and spirit to create an unstoppable collaboration […]

Context, Context, Context!
“An old proverb says: ‘We see people not as they are but as we are’. To which we add: ‘And […]

Leading from the Middle
“Oh my God. I see how all my life I’ve been a Middle who tries to please others,” exclaimed a […]

Resilience In Uncertainty
As summer turns to autumn in the UK, we face a return to school and workplaces and signs of normality […]

Lockdown Conversations
Reflecting on what we have learnt about resilience during lockdown. Beth mAcdonald is based in the Philippines and still in […]

Reconsider the Future
During lockdown we held some conversation sessions with our client and network community on “Reconsidering the Future”.People really valued the […]

Creating Impactful Virtual Programs
What does it take to create impactful virtual programs? We have all become very familiar with on-line meetings in recent […]

Black Lives Matter
The team at Future Considerations stands in solidarity with antiracist and racial justice organising across the US and the world. […]

Where will the leadership come from?
As I read my social media streams, there are some who argue that this is a turning point and that […]

Developing and sustaining our individual and collective ability to “bounce back” Resilience helps us navigate and thrive in difficult circumstances […]

Are you exercising leadership or trying to retain control and power?
Looking at how the UK Government has “led” in the Covid-19 crisis got me reflecting. Are they exercising effective leadership […]