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Future Considerations Blog

We support our clients and their stakeholders to press pause, reconsider the future they want and help build the awareness and capacity to get there. Everything we do or say is an invitation to reconsider the present and to consider new futures.

Going virtual – how far can you go?

The global lockdown for COVID 19 means, quite rightly, for the first time, all meetings and events have gone virtual. […]

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How we respond to long-term stress

Have you seen colleagues behave like this, perhaps when they didn’t previously:- Hunkering down into invisibility or taking short term […]

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Exploring Personal Resilience

What does  Resilience mean to you ? When asked this question at a time of stress and upheaval in my […]

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Organisational Resilience

Resilience is a current trend in organisations, often connected to the themes of wellbeing and mental health. People are shipped […]

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Future Considerations Declares

We declare that there is a Climate Emergency. There are limited natural resources on our planet. We are consuming too […]

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Five Business Partner Strategies, Future Considerations

5 Business Partner strategies to deal with competing agendas

Are you a Business Partner feeling ‘stuck in the middle’? Here are five Business Partner strategies to use “Clowns to […]

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The Miracle Question by Lycia Harper

The miracle question

Shifting our sense of what’s possible with a miracle question It began as a straightforward review call as we prepared […]

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A Radical Thought by Dan Formosa, Ph.D

Women in engineering: a radical thought

Have we designed women out of engineering / manufacturing working environments? A 2013 study by researchers at Ohio State University […]

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You cannot manage complexity, Jon Freeman

You cannot manage complexity

This article assumes some depth of background knowledge of Spiral Dynamics.  There is a very comprehensive 1-hour video introduction to […]

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The Iceberg Model by Lycia Harper

Involved in transformation? People love the iceberg model!

I had the experience again. I offered a simple iceberg model and my client seized on it, waved it around […]

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What is Business Partnering? by Tim Stanyon

What is Business Partnering?

A Business Partner definition according to 2,000+ Business Partners Before deep-diving into the question, What is Business Partnering?, let’s establish […]

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Why does change happen? By Jon Freeman

Why does change happen? Fundamentals of development

Stupid question maybe? Because change just does? Does it even matter why? OK, I will ask another way. The fundamental […]

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