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Future Considerations Blog

We support our clients and their stakeholders to press pause, reconsider the future they want and help build the awareness and capacity to get there. Everything we do or say is an invitation to reconsider the present and to consider new futures.

Maintaining human connection, Alyse Ashton

The courage to maintain human connection

Human connection. It’s a struggle to know where to start isn’t it? Take a look around at the bigger movements […]

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Crisis in Leadership, Jon Freeman

A crisis in organisational leadership?

While more money is spent on Leadership Development than on any other area of corporate learning: 71% of companies do […]

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Activism or Service? By Celine McKeown

Activism or Service: What kind of leadership does our world need right now?

Given our global reality is one of increasing economic disparity, the rise of populism, creeping nationalism and protectionism, the threat of nuclear war – we could go on… Celine McKeown, reflects on what type of leadership the world really needs right now: Activism or Service, referencing the latest work by renowned author, Meg Wheatley.

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Getting future fit, Jules Fell

Getting Future Fit: Do we have what it takes?

Avoidance, confusion, anger, blame, and fear – these are all negative reactions to the current reality that our world faces. At the same time within the business world, there seems to be an unspoken expectation that people should be able to step up and surprise when they can’t. Jules Fell invites you to explore Meg Wheatley’s idea of “Warriors of the Human Spirit” as a response to these external conditions and how we should equip ourselves as leaders of today and tomorrow to respond creatively, purposefully, and constructively.

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Summer Reading Selection 2017

Ahhh summer. The promise of lazy days, quality time with friends and family, and the opportunity to delve into a […]

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Do you have your own fool?

Recent political events have shown us all again how dangerous it is to surround ourselves with a closed circle who […]

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Living Life on Purpose

Steven Covey (in his less well known book, “First Things First”) asks the question: “Do you live your life by […]

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Are you sleepwalking your way into professional prostitution?

I was part horrified and part fascinated. We were in a workshop entitled Transforming the Self and the System. Our […]

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becoming teal

Why Holons matter in Organisational Development: Stacey and Oshry

A colleague of mine recently sent me complexity theorist Ralph Stacey’s short video on the paradoxes of organisational life, and the importance […]

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Teal Organisations overview workshop, July 2017

Reflections on ‘Making Teal Real’ Workshop

In a full day of study, Jon and Jackie successfully managed the hopes and fears of experienced practitioners, complete newbies … and people, […]

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Theory U and You

The following poem was written at the Presenting Institute U-Theory Foundation Program in March 2017… To move from a here […]

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Humpty Dumpty had a great fall…

Dateline June 9th 2017, the morning after the UK election. The results of yesterday’s votes are, for the moment, a […]

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