Our Blog

Future Considerations Blog

We support our clients and their stakeholders to press pause, reconsider the future they want and help build the awareness and capacity to get there. Everything we do or say is an invitation to reconsider the present and to consider new futures.

Communities of Practice: it’s about loving the work

I recently had the privilege of working both with my colleague, George Pòr and the NHS in Yorkshire and Humber […]

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What does Wholeness mean in the context of Teal Organising?

Here at Future Considerations, we are engaged in an inspiring and challenging exploration of how to practically apply the insights […]

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Summer Reading Selection 2015

With the summer solstice behind us and the promise of lazy vacation days ahead, we asked our Future Consideration colleagues […]

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Millennials and Sustainable Development Goals

We are inheriting an economic value system where we value more a dead fish over a live one, a dead […]

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Millennial Power: Let the Future Decide its Future | TEDxUniversityofStAndrews

Darshita Gillies, an Associate of Future Considerations, delivered a powerful TEDx talk earlier this year at St Andrews University.  A […]

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A Unique combination of Oshry Systemic Frameworks and Mindfulness

An opportunity to both practice mindfulness as well as to enter into an unusually powerful learning experience about our organisations’ […]

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Leadership, Innovation and Purpose-led Growth

2015 is being heralded as the year for action on climate change, inequality and poverty. Two pivotal UN summits are […]

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Lateral thinking: Alzheimer’s & Entrepreneurs

60% of people with dementia wander off, an issue that can prove hugely stressful for both patients and caregivers. Teen […]

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How can core purpose influence leadership in sustainability?

Otto Scharmer says that leaders need to shift their consciousness from an ego-system awareness to an eco-system awareness in order […]

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Reinventing Organisations – where talent blooms and our callings are honoured

Frederic Laloux’s highly acclaimed management book Reinventing Organizations explains how every time humanity has shifted to a new stage of […]

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Spirituality – refreshing the parts that performance management can’t reach

The Royal Society of Arts (RSA) in the UK published an ambitious report last month: Spiritualise – Revitalising Spirituality for […]

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The Art of Conversational Leadership

I recently attended a fantastic session with the poet David Whyte entitled “Life at the frontier: the art of conversational […]

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