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Future Considerations Blog

We support our clients and their stakeholders to press pause, reconsider the future they want and help build the awareness and capacity to get there. Everything we do or say is an invitation to reconsider the present and to consider new futures.

Spirituality – refreshing the parts that performance management can’t reach

…part of our life at work, this search for meaning and growth should find appropriate expression in the workplace. This search for meaning is a universal drive and crosses the…

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reinventing leadership development programmes

Reinventing Leadership Development

…(September 2015) of Enlivening Edge. [1] “Integral Mindfulness, Collective Intelligence, and Collective Sentience: signposts to the later phases of our evolutionary journey,” by George Pór   Share this post:…

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Resilience In Uncertainty

…discussing the programme.   The event is set up to be Covid secure, for a small group, with your own private accommodation ranging from high quality ensuite rooms in…

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Leading Like Madiba: Nelson Mandela

…began the interview: ‘Tata [Father] Mandela, how do you feel about the fact that this Saturday the nation will be launching the CD on which your greatest speeches have been…

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Our Approach

…of trust, openness and collaboration that create remarkable results – between individuals and between organisational units.   Learn More Society   Navigating complexity and facilitating collaboration to unite communities, organisations…

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Say β€œI’ve had enough!” How craving and fear stand in the way of eco-awareness.

…collectively gives us the freedom to work from wherever we want to live, freedom to choose the work we do, and freedom to operate from a place of eco-awareness. Learn…

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Crisis in Leadership, Jon Freeman

A crisis in organisational leadership?

…of leadership in your business. References[+] References ↵1 Brandon Hall State of Leadership Development 2015 ↵2 ↵3 Nora Bateson “Small arcs of larger circles”. P 83. Share this post:…

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Meeting life where it is

Our summer newsletter opened with the sentence “‘Volatile, Uncertain, Complex and Ambiguous’ is the new business norm.” So what does it take to deal with – even to thrive –…

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Let’s talk about love and happiness: global metrics are transforming the world.

After attending the Global Presencing Forum (GPF) in 2014, Celine shares a number of lessons that we as Future Considerations practice in order to have greater impact in what we…

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β€œIt’s all about me, really.” How changing a whole system starts with oneself.

…experience a problem from the other’s point of view (compassion). So, the good news is that by focusing our awareness inwards, we are able to open our awareness back outwards,…

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What does Wholeness mean in the context of Teal Organising?

… for more information about our coaching & mentoring programmes for next generation ‘teal’ leaders. Equally we’d love to hear your stories of wholeness, so please feel free to comment…

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How to get agile without losing participation? Our latest experiment

…the LT. This LT+ operates like a board, holding the LT to account, steering the business at a strategic level, and taking key decisions. This structure frees the Company Circle…

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