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Future Considerations Blog

We support our clients and their stakeholders to press pause, reconsider the future they want and help build the awareness and capacity to get there. Everything we do or say is an invitation to reconsider the present and to consider new futures.

Leading like Madiba: Leadership lessons from Nelson Mandela

…our search for a world society where justice, fairness, care for the weaker members of our communities, and love flourish. The call for leaders who genuinely serve their people is…

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Reassessing how a values systems drive performance

…do, and stop doing, to get to the desired score? From Compliance to Discipline In a compliance culture, the strategy is set at the top, and people simply fulfil on…

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Sustainable Development Goals – what can Gen Y & Z do?

…25th April 2016 at the UKSSD Conference. The UK Stakeholders for Sustainable Development (UKSSD) is an open platform that supports public, private and voluntary organisations working towards sustainable development in…

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Going virtual – how far can you go?

…takes to create impactful virtual programs, read more here. Wondering how far you can go with virtual and blended learning? Contact us for a conversation Share this post:…

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Contact Us

…Subdivision, Libis, Quezon City Philippines 1110 We want to help develop and nurture 21st Century Leadership, cohesive and purpose-driven Organisations and innovation and collaboration around the complex issues facing…

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Exploring Personal Resilience

comment, and usually this is driven by your own feelings and assumptions. Leaders can react to high levels of ambiguity and complexity by freezing ,withdrawing or moving to blame. This…

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becoming teal

What is an Organisation really?

…taking place.[/caldera_form_modal] To go further, see Stacey’s book: Complex Responsive Processes in Organisations. Or get in contact with me to discuss your organisational challenges. Photo credit: Marek52 via /…

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Freedom’s Mirror

…are free to ask them. And seek answers. When we are free. Penned by Tim Stanyon April 2013 First performed by Garry Ridge, CEO of WD-40 Company at WorldBlu Live…

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…a periodic emails notifying you of new downloads and upcoming events. Your thoughts and comments are encouraged. Please feel free to reply to any of our emails and on our…

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Putting the challenge into context

A colleague of mine was chatting about the Longitude Prize that was launched on the BBC last week. The competition is to commemorate 300 years since the first challenge was…

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Teal Organisations overview workshop, July 2017

Reflections on ‘Making Teal Real’ Workshop

In a full day of study, Jon and Jackie successfully managed the hopes and fears of experienced practitioners, complete newbies … and people, like the author of this review, Richard…

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Leadership? Management? Facilitation.

…a relatively easy example, and I am sure many of you reading this will think inwardly: But of course, I knew that! But – ask yourselves truthfully – how often…

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