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Future Considerations Blog

We support our clients and their stakeholders to press pause, reconsider the future they want and help build the awareness and capacity to get there. Everything we do or say is an invitation to reconsider the present and to consider new futures.

becoming teal

What is an Organisation really?

…just its people – Ralph Stacey, a leading scholar on complexity and management, argues it is the complex set of social processes and relationships interconnecting them. Although this makes sense,…

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An Experience of ‘How to Sharpen the Sword’

…stayed in an environment where each one of us could be in a posture comfortable enough for the work we were doing. We regularly took walks by the nearby community…

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Resilience In Uncertainty

…discussing the programme.   The event is set up to be Covid secure, for a small group, with your own private accommodation ranging from high quality ensuite rooms in…

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Future Considerations Declares

…by a commitment to achieve positive impact. We will be open, creative, humble and resolute in the face of real and present existential threat. This post is made in support…

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A Unique combination of Oshry Systemic Frameworks and Mindfulness

…concentrated capsule of full-speed organisational reality isn’t our usual workplace – it somehow becomes possible to begin to really see the dynamics that are at work, to get beyond our…

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Do you have your own fool?

“reality”. This is a problem for any leader. How do you maintain contact with others’ reality when there can be even an unintentional conspiracy of protection or filtration of “difficult”…

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Sustainability as a platform for growth

Ten years ago, virtually no companies were making public commitments regarding sustainability. most companies treated sustainability issues as operational issues – strictly limited to their factory walls. sustainability was seen…

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Hope and Hopelessness: centre your life in the practice of Active Hope

…of current reality: this includes allowing feelings of anger, grief, hopelessness and blame to be heard if we want to make progress. This also calls for the cultivation of compassion,…

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Solving the "greatest moral challenge of our time"

…society, have been able to effectively implement climate compatible strategies could be called into question. This is a complex challenge. One where a solution cannot easily be found – do…

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Organisational Resilience

…and we may not even judge ourselves to be stressed, whilst being completely paranoid. We believe ourselves to be the reasonable, objective and rational one dealing with an organisation full…

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Mind the Gap between Organisational Design and Sustainability

…an increasingly complex and changing business environment, and with the same organisational structures & processes as in the past. Good managers are losing a sense of purpose in what they…

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What is Business Partnering? by Tim Stanyon

What is Business Partnering?

…Increased business agility and responsiveness. React faster to a new demand from their business arising from a competitor offer with a timely response that could significantly reduce any competitive advantage…

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