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Future Considerations Blog

We support our clients and their stakeholders to press pause, reconsider the future they want and help build the awareness and capacity to get there. Everything we do or say is an invitation to reconsider the present and to consider new futures.

Uncovering the Grammar of the Social Field

…wants. These results show up in the form of environmental, social, and cultural destruction. The ecological divide (which disconnects self from nature), the social divide (which disconnects self from other),…

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The win-win-win of experiential leadership programmes

…i.e. those where participants receive facilitation and coaching against specific learning goals, whilst working on real live projects. These projects are sometimes within their business and sometimes in the community,…

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Partnering Assessment

…Maturity model. We are offering you complimentary access to have a taster of both of these. We believe effective partnering is an untapped super-power that can deliver value and drive…

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Overcoming inclusion paralysis – generating involvement with efficiency

…starting line to move beyond the stuckness? Looking to 2 of the 10 principles of organizational democracy according to WorldBlu ( gives us a clue: purpose and transparency. Firstly, ensuring…

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Our future needs Systems Leadership

…spans various complex systems through her partnership development work and clients including the big four accountants, blue chip companies, local authorities, and the NHS. Photo credit: Share this post:…

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…it’s the only chance to get the team together amongst their various competing demands. At the best of times, it can be challenging to maintain healthy working patterns, but in…

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Leading in Complexity by John Watters

Lessons from Winnie the Pooh on navigating complexity

…with significant issues of either unrealised potential or underperformance, complexity, and often a feeling of stuckness or hopelessness amongst those involved. VUCA (Volatile, Uncertain, Complex, Ambiguous) is a term growing…

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Are we doing the work that is needed or the work that is comfortable?

…those skills: our way of being. As for being comfortable, it’s not all it’s cracked up to be. The insistence on comfort, “are we all comfortable with this?”, limits the

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Sustainable Development Goals – what can Gen Y & Z do?

…25th April 2016 at the UKSSD Conference. The UK Stakeholders for Sustainable Development (UKSSD) is an open platform that supports public, private and voluntary organisations working towards sustainable development in…

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Contact Us

…Subdivision, Libis, Quezon City Philippines 1110 We want to help develop and nurture 21st Century Leadership, cohesive and purpose-driven Organisations and innovation and collaboration around the complex issues facing…

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Freedom’s Mirror

…are free to ask them. And seek answers. When we are free. Penned by Tim Stanyon April 2013 First performed by Garry Ridge, CEO of WD-40 Company at WorldBlu Live…

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…a periodic emails notifying you of new downloads and upcoming events. Your thoughts and comments are encouraged. Please feel free to reply to any of our emails and on our…

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