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Future Considerations Blog

We support our clients and their stakeholders to press pause, reconsider the future they want and help build the awareness and capacity to get there. Everything we do or say is an invitation to reconsider the present and to consider new futures.

What do you think they think of you? The stories that derail us

…organisational context, prevent us from learning new things – even when learning new ways of working may make or break commercial success. How do you practice observing and being aware…

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Activating your heart intelligence

…as much more than a personal practice: it can also be a shared or collaborative practice. The capacity for collective intelligence and leadership. Otto Scharmer writes that the real work…

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Teal Organisations overview workshop, July 2017

Reflections on ‘Making Teal Real’ Workshop

In a full day of study, Jon and Jackie successfully managed the hopes and fears of experienced practitioners, complete newbies … and people, like the author of this review, Richard…

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What is Business Partnering? by Tim Stanyon

What is Business Partnering?

…Increased business agility and responsiveness. React faster to a new demand from their business arising from a competitor offer with a timely response that could significantly reduce any competitive advantage…

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…of potential Transformational – achieving lasting shifts in the way leaders see the world and therefore act in, and on, their organisations – not just new skills and competencies. Experiential…

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Taking a Long-Term Sustainable Business Perspective

…of criticism of companies’ behaviour, from excessive executive remuneration, to unethical practices, to monopoly or oligopoly powers, to short-termism. These concerns appear to be both strongly-felt and widely-held.” What might…

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teal organisations next stage organisations

Why should anyone care about “Teal”?

Austin Reed. BHS. The world changes. Companies that don’t change slump and die. What’s special about the changes of today? There’s an acronym for everything and the one for this…

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Are you exercising leadership or trying to retain control and power?

…to be able to deliver. That way the many can liberate local resources, energy and commitment and working in collaboration where needed, with open lines of communication, they can unleash…

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Going virtual – how far can you go?

…takes to create impactful virtual programs, read more here. Wondering how far you can go with virtual and blended learning? Contact us for a conversation Share this post:…

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Uncovering the Grammar of the Social Field

…the good farmer who does not simply look after his crop but tends the soil in order to improve its quality; leaders, change-makers and those of us committed to doing…

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…a periodic emails notifying you of new downloads and upcoming events. Your thoughts and comments are encouraged. Please feel free to reply to any of our emails and on our…

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Teal Organising

…and why. So how do you discover what steps to take first? Our Teal mentoring service is an emergent process that starts with a free, in-depth, generative interview. The communication…

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