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Future Considerations Blog

We support our clients and their stakeholders to press pause, reconsider the future they want and help build the awareness and capacity to get there. Everything we do or say is an invitation to reconsider the present and to consider new futures.

Millennials and Sustainable Development Goals

…choose the later. Yet, when it comes to leading our organizations, communities and nations effectively, why do we still largely rely on Baby Boomer plus generation leaders? What if we,…

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Why does change happen? By Jon Freeman

Why does change happen? Fundamentals of development

…will not simply regress or collapse. If you don’t recognise that possibility, you haven’t been observing the news. Switching the metaphor, the baby could be stillborn if we cannot midwife…

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Putting the challenge into context

A colleague of mine was chatting about the Longitude Prize that was launched on the BBC last week. The competition is to commemorate 300 years since the first challenge was…

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Sustainability as a platform for growth

Ten years ago, virtually no companies were making public commitments regarding sustainability. most companies treated sustainability issues as operational issues – strictly limited to their factory walls. sustainability was seen…

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The Miracle Question by Lycia Harper

The miracle question

…stress, their lack of bold ideas, poor communication… a complex spaghetti that seemed to be getting more tangled, and her fear that the workshop might make the situation worse. “How…

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Georgian song & leadership: More related than we think.

…ongoing practice & inquiry into Georgian singing, led me to question whether there may be more connections between these two paths than one might expect. Bringing the practice of voice…

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Innovating culture

…designing and facilitating a Top-100 event for a global company, where culture change and the introduction of new leadership behaviours were part of the brief. As we worked with the…

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Sustainable Development Goals – Upgrading the business agenda

…where he made a public statement committing to divest his personal Portfolio from fossil fuels. Every dollar invested in new fossil fuel projects is high risk capital, which might end…

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Our Approach

…of trust, openness and collaboration that create remarkable results – between individuals and between organisational units.   Learn More Society   Navigating complexity and facilitating collaboration to unite communities, organisations…

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Partnering Assessment

…in the same area of the business. • New innovations within functions are not being implemented at the required speed. • Business areas are complaining that the functions are operating…

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Book Review, "Leading from the Emerging Future: From Ego-System to Eco-System Economies"

simply offer reasons for institution and system failure, they also convincingly present alternative approaches. They share compelling pieces of evidence of individuals, organisations and communities that are living and practicing…

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A Unique combination of Oshry Systemic Frameworks and Mindfulness

An opportunity to both practice mindfulness as well as to enter into an unusually powerful learning experience about our organisations’ dynamics (Oshry) is a rare experience – in fact it…

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