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Future Considerations Blog

We support our clients and their stakeholders to press pause, reconsider the future they want and help build the awareness and capacity to get there. Everything we do or say is an invitation to reconsider the present and to consider new futures.

Purposeful Patriotism

…purposes, without judgment.) :: as a team/business, what can we, together, uniquely do in the world? :: if we didn’t exist, what would be lost? :: what do we most…

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A Radical Thought by Dan Formosa, Ph.D

Women in engineering: a radical thought

…trouble fitting in. In design and engineering schools the male/female ratio hovers around 50/50. In professional practice, it’s more like 85/15 – a drastic difference. Females enter those fields but…

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Millennials and Sustainable Development Goals

…There is nothing in between about us. The Time magazine quoted us a ‘ME-ME-ME’ generation – a lazy, entitled narcissist tribe. And another Study called us ‘Generation WE’ – a…

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Creating the 25 hour work day

…& North America (plus James, who of course, is in New Zealand). A great example of us working virtually was a team pulled together for the sake of responding to…

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What are teal organisations?

When Teal meets B Corps: a match made for transformation?

…different mindsets or paradigms driving a company’s approach to corporate responsibility (pre-compliance, compliance, beyond, compliance, integrated strategy and purpose/values driven). Unsurprisingly these do reflect the different stages of societal/ organisational…

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Activating your heart intelligence

…results soon. We often speak of the heart colloquially when we say things like ‘in my heart of hearts I know that’ or ‘my heart’s telling me’ or ‘this goes…

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Getting future fit, Jules Fell

Getting Future Fit: Do we have what it takes?

…of a new joint MD who had failed to cut the mustard. This person had come from a larger competitor and whilst he talked the talk, didn’t have an understanding…

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An introduction: the future of leadership

…in 50 years time. Today’s 25-year olds will be 75. The world will be led by men and women born in the ’00s, ’10s and the ’20s. The global climate…

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What do you really care about?

…(paradoxically) to let go of the need to “do everything” (to exhaustion) and to see more clearly those things that only they can do – and thus where they need…

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Summer Reading Selection 2015

…in complexity science, networking theory, and sociology – to explain the core principles and daily functioning of social labs, using pioneering examples from around the world.       A.J….

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teal organisations next stage organisations

Why should anyone care about โ€œTealโ€?

…is VUCA. Volatility, Unpredictability, Complexity, Ambiguity. It’s six years since IBM’s survey of 1500 top CEO’s yielded that 65% cited unpredictability as their number one concern. “Teal” is a label…

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A Unique combination of Oshry Systemic Frameworks and Mindfulness

…Mezey, On-line engagement/culture change specialist and co-author of “Anti-Hero: the Hidden Revolution in Leadership & Change”. @MatthewMezey During the part of the day based on Barry Oshry’s ‘Organisation Workshop’ simulation…

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