The first step to leading innovation
…innovation means far-reaching change. It’s easy just to say that we need to innovate, but what is most important is that the need for such profound change is recognised. It…
Leading from the Middle
…research into the dynamics of social systems. Future Considerations has been a pioneer in this work. The workshops can be taken in combination or as stand-alone events. Taken together they…
None of us is as smart as all of us: the future of leadership
…comment section below. -=- A menu of enquiry into the future of leadership: An introduction – Peter Masters Cross generational wisdom – Patrice van Riemsdijk None of us is as…
Activating your heart intelligence
…intelligence to be activated. Not least is a commitment to working beyond ego, building the pre-conditions for trust and a shared purpose. One dimension that is coming to the fore…
Context, Context, Context!
…we exist’. We win first prize when we are able to see, not just the actions of others, but also the context out of which these actions come. We win…
Organisational Resilience
…‘The Hour Between Dog and Wolf’ by John Coates [2] For more information on the impact of sleep see ‘Why We Sleep’ by Matthew Walker [3] As reportedly is the…
Living Life on Purpose
Steven Covey (in his less well known book, “First Things First”) asks the question: “Do you live your life by the clock or by the compass?” For now I will…
Solving the "greatest moral challenge of our time"
…society, have been able to effectively implement climate compatible strategies could be called into question. This is a complex challenge. One where a solution cannot easily be found – do…
The Art of Conversational Leadership
…through the surface to those new meanings or interpretations that can open up new ways of seeing our constructed world. Poetry can give us the time and space to consider…
Purposeful Patriotism
…share performance over time, that companies with a more compelling and shared sense purpose, vision and values were significantly more successful. I had the privilege of working in one of…
Leadership, Innovation and Purpose-led Growth
…Quest, Three-Hands, Common Purpose). These programmes provide opportunities for learning through doing and by taking leaders outside of their ‘comfort zones’ and areas of technical knowledge. We have been successfully…
Intrapreneurship: the answer to Generation Y engagement?
Given the natural aptitude that Generation Y show for creative thinking, and strong affiliation for the topic of sustainability, companies should consider social intrapreneurship as a compelling engagement and retention…