Business Partnering

The Journey to Mastering Organisational Partnering

In today’s interconnected business landscape, the ability to forge strong and collaborative relationships both within and outside the organisation is […]

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Supercharge Your Success with Whole-Body Business Partnering

Imagine if you could tap into the full power of your mind, body, and spirit to create an unstoppable collaboration […]

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Max Fyfe

Max is a learning design consultant and facilitator with a keen passion for the learning experience developed through 15 years of learning programmes for young people and adults. After an early career deep dive into music production, business development in the private sector and as a co-director for a community arts organisation in Bristol.

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Business Partnering: Online Workshop

What makes Business Partnering really work? A Conversation on Business Partnering – Online workshop We have invited Satish Lakshmipathy, Learning […]

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Five Business Partner Strategies, Future Considerations

5 Business Partner strategies to deal with competing agendas

Are you a Business Partner feeling ‘stuck in the middle’? Here are five Business Partner strategies to use “Clowns to […]

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What is Business Partnering? by Tim Stanyon

What is Business Partnering?

A Business Partner definition according to 2,000+ Business Partners Before deep-diving into the question, What is Business Partnering?, let’s establish […]

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Jaroslav Dokoupil, Future Considerations

Jaroslav Dokoupil

  “I used to think that change happens overnight and is easy to achieve once everyone knows what to do. […]

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Beth mAcdonald, Future Considerations

Beth mAcdonald

“I grew up in Johnson & Johnson as a scientist and engineer leading increasingly larger and more diverse groups of […]

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Julia Fell, Future Considerations

Julia Fell

“Before I inhabited my first formal leadership role, I thought there must be one right way to be a leader. […]

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Celine McKeown, Future Considerations

Celine McKeown

“I’ve always had a profound sense of needing to do meaningful work. Over the years, as life circumstances changed, I […]

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