
You cannot manage complexity, Jon Freeman

You cannot manage complexity

This article assumes some depth of background knowledge of Spiral Dynamics.  There is a very comprehensive 1-hour video introduction to […]

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Dick Baker

General Counsel Fortune 500 Insurance Company Dick supports organisations designing and facilitating change and developing new ways of working to […]

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Chris Clark, Future Considerations

Chris Clark

“The ability to see ourselves and our world from different perspectives is particularly necessary considering the precarious state of things […]

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Don’t be naïve about the shift to teal

Frederic Laloux’s book “Reinventing Organisations”” is inspiring.  The new illustrated version puts across the key concepts with even greater simplicity.  […]

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Our journey with Holacracy

In April this year, Future Considerations moved to Holacracy as our organisational operating system. I wanted to share some initial […]

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future considerations team adopts Holacracy

Future Considerations adopts Holacracy

Fresh from a 2 day training workshop with the lovely Nick & Sally from Evolving Organisations, we’re delighted to announce […]

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Jon Freeman, Future Considerations

Jon Freeman

“I have always been fascinated by people; how they work, think and do.  I have equally been absorbed in how  […]

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Julia Fell, Future Considerations

Julia Fell

“Before I inhabited my first formal leadership role, I thought there must be one right way to be a leader. […]

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